Hello! I am Khyati, an analyst turned artist who loves connecting dots and telling stories. I write, I draw and sometimes I paint. But mostly, I just wonder and wander about the world.

I have somehow meandered my way into creating comic artwork on not-so-comic themes such as politics, feminism, environment and culture. My work has featured in children’s magazines Pluto and Cycle, and on comics platform Bakarmax. I co-host Puliyabaazi, a hindi podcast that features in-depth conversations with experts on policy, politics, technology and more.

One of the big projects that I was working on for the past two years has culminated into an upcoming book ‘We, the Citizens’. It is an illustrated guide to active citizenship in India, a book meant for anyone who wants to be an engaged citizen or a positive change maker. It is out for Pre-order now at: https://amzn.eu/d/bJw3Tdr

You can also check out my other work at:

My personal-political comics set in Indian context: https://bakarmax.com/comic/khyati-ki-kahaaniyaan/

I have designed a game called “Snake-a-doo” that is aimed to spread awareness about snakes and snakebites. It is a not-for-profit project run in collaboration with friends. https://snakeadoo.wordpress.com/

I also write a newsletter about current affairs in India from a policy perspective. http://understandingindia.substack.com/

You can subscribe to my website or follow me on my instagram @ohthescribblebee and twitter @thescribblebee

I would love to hear your comments, thoughts and feedback. Also open to collaboration opportunities.



Have a suggestion or proposition? Write to me!