What does the Republic Day mean to you?

Dear Reader,

This is a special day for me. One of the projects that I was working on for the past two years has culminated in an upcoming book. ‘We the Citizen’ is an illustrated guide to active citizenship in India. It is a non-fiction book that tries to simplify the concepts of public policy in the Indian context. It is meant for anyone who wants to be an engaged citizen or a positive change maker.

The concept of the Republic is a topic that has fascinated me for a while now. The idea that even the sovereign is not above law is a powerful idea. One can say that Constitutionalism is indeed a human innovation just like currency is. It is a collective trust that humans put into a piece of paper or a document! We often make a big deal about our independence, but independence for an individual will have no meaning without the concept of the Republic. This comic is a quick one—we have explored the topic in much depth in the book. The book also delves into how the State, Market and Society comes together in affecting the outcomes of our life. Something that we all need to be more aware of..

I co-author the book with Pranay Kotasthane who is a policy researcher and Anupam Manur who is an economics professor. This is our labour of love and we write the book with the hope of adding something useful to the civic discourse in India. Please show us some love. The book is out for pre-order here: https://amzn.eu/d/bJw3Tdr


Khyati (Twitter: @thescribblebee Instagram: @ohthescribblebee LinkedIn: here )

a comic explaining the concept of the Republic in a simple and interesting way

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