How to make a Comic?

How to make any piece of art, whether it is a space module (ahem, wishful thinking for next life) or a simple comic?

Many say that they struggle with finding inspiration. I feel that finding inspiration is the easy part. You will find new ideas if you are looking for them. What is difficult is to take the idea, go through the torturous process of converting it into a work of art, and staying with it till it gets done. The process is always messy and frustrating; the result often uncertain.

The idea always looks much better in your head than on paper. Making it look good on paper requires patience, focus, and finding a state of flow—a place where you are no longer an observer of the process; it’s a place where you are one with the process. Where you are not driving it, but you are flowing with it. And that’s the place where any art gets created. But it’s not a given that the demons of creativity will arrive. You can follow the process and only hope for them to show up! What you can do, however, is to show up at the desk and wait for them again, and again, and again.

P.S: Elizabeth Gilbert has a wonderful Ted talk on this topic. Check it out here.

P.S2: Also, check out my upcoming book ‘We, the Citizens’-a cartoon guide to active citizenship in India. The book aims to be an illustrated ‘Public Policy 101 Handbook’ to introduce the core concepts of Public Policy in India to a complete beginner. It is illustrated in a graphical narrative with a lighthearted tone. It explains policy fundamentals, busts common misconceptions and offers simple frameworks to a non-specialist audience, while maintaining a uniquely Indian perspective. Check it out here:

Upcoming book 'We, the Citizens'-a cartoon guide to active citizenship in India.

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