Why I Write

If you have reached till here – Thank you for reading and giving me your valuable time and attention.

I have been slow at writing on this blog because of a couple new projects I have been working on recently. I have been writing more actively on Bakarmax, which is a platform for comics set in Indian context. Here’s a comic I made on the occasion of India’s 75th Independence Day.

I have also started a new newsletter reviewing the policy landscape in India. It is called “Understanding India”. I hope to write it twice a month, though I have missed a couple of dates already. This comic came about while I was thinking through my reasons for writing it. The idea is simple – If you want to understand something, you should write about it, as Amit Varma often puts it in his popular podcast ‘The Seen and the Unseen’. Pranay Kotasthane, my teacher at Takshashila, gave me a similar suggestion – write because you want to understand. It somehow struck a chord, and I realized this is probably the reason why I like to write. I do not know everything about the world. But I like connecting the dots and trying to make sense of the world and it happens for me by the way of writing – whether it is about understanding a topic or whether it is about understanding myself.

If you are a writer – please share your thoughts on what motivates you to write.



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